Saturday, July 21, 2007

Lookie What We Got--SPELLBINDERS

That's right, Friday was pure pandemonium here at the Flourishes Studio. My darling hubby, Mike, "Manual Labor" as he has been dubbed, came in with not one but two packages. The first was from May Arts and contained our NEW selections of that was very expected.

But the second was a sheer was from Spellbinders! We opened it with pure exuberance..... We have SIX of the new Nestabilities from Spellbinders. We have been talking with Jeff, VP for Spellbinders, and knew we had gotten the go ahead to get the coveted dies so our designers can begin to work some rubber magic.

This means good things for all of you. Flourishes,LLC will begin to accept orders for the dies on 27 July. These will not be available to us from spellbinders until the last two weeks of August. If you place an order, we can't ship it until we get our Spellbinders order, but we can guarantee that when the order arrives our shipping department .... "Manual Labor", will be in high gear.

We are forwarding cuts of each of these dies to our Flourishes Design Team beginning on Monday. I can't wait to see what the team turn out. The Nestabilites are an absolutely revolutionary tool for card makers and scrapbookers. I will be adding more about these wonderful Nestabilities--and their adapt- abilities with our already existing tools.


Anonymous said...

what a great mail day!

Mrs. Nancy G said...
